Ethical Adoption  

Thursday, May 15, 2008

This is a new blog site and I had every intention of letting my daughter whom I share this site with take the first post. However, I have only a few hours left to post about something that is close to both of our hearts and have it be part of Bloggers Unite. Being as she is at work and I will miss the deadline I'm sure she won't mind.

Ethical adoption would be the practice of making adoption about what is in the best interest of the child. Adoption practices today are anything but ethical. Children are being bought and sold like live stock and at times shipped half way around the world without any regard to the affects this is going to have on a child.

Ethical adoption, would be keeping children in their own countries with their own culture when ever possible.

Ethical adoption would be about caring for a child until they become of legal age and then handing over any and ALL information that pertains to that child's birth, ancestry, medical history, and first family.

Ethical adoption would be to empower every individual, not just non-adoptee's with the human and civil right to obtain not only information but relationships with whom ever they choose as an adult.

If you can vote, pay taxes, and fight wars, you should be entitled as an adult and a human being to have access to and control over your life and relationships like every other human being.

Please familiarize yourself with the unethical practices that are being performed in the name of adoption and the affects it's having on children of adoption everywhere. Even the ones who are grown.

Lori A

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